Photo “Flak so thick you could walk on it”  Taken from a B17 on the 6th of May 1944 over Berlin. 

Stormy Weather was part of that bomber group.

B-17G „Stormy Weather‟ at Polebrook Airfield, Northamptonshire, England, Springtime 1944

42-31879 „The Shark‟ with rear: Lt. George L. Sullivan, Capt. Daniel E. McCafferty. front: Capt. Robert E. Lee, Capt. Leslie S. Cruthirds and Lt. James H. Wimmer. Capt Daniel E. McCafferty was pilot on Stormy Weathers first mission in January 1944

Lt. Wimmer was rear gunner on Stormy Weather on the 24th of May 1944. Lt. Wimmer was pilot and had 24 missions in his files. On the evening the 23rd of May he asked Capt. Clay to join the crew next morning to get 25 missions and a „ticket‟ home to USA. Looking back it was a bad idea.

5th. December 1943 was Lt. R. B. Clay pilot on B17 with serial no 42-30499  “My Princess”  Mission : Paris

30st.  Dec 1943 was Lt. R. B. Clay pilot on B17 with serial no 42-29860 ”Snoozin Susan”  Mission : Ludvigshafen.

The 6 of the crewmen landed on a line from just behind the houses and to the threes in the horizon.

Niels Good who helped a crewman that landed on his field when he was painting his house together with his daugther Ellen. They hide the parachute in a hunting cottage, but it was later found by the German soldiers. The locals managed to hide a few parachutes, they were later used for wedding dresses, the white cross in a danish flag, and other purposes. Fabrics was difficult to get during and after the war, and parachutes was made of a very good quality for clothing.

The house of Maria and Anna Clausen, Rugbjervej no. 10 in the village of Klingbjerg. Here 6 of the crewmen had somthing to eat and drink before German soldiers arrested them. The two missing crewman were in a house in Svenstrup half a mile away.

The parts of Stormy Weather loaded on truck late May 1944

Svenstrup Athletic Association late fourties with their Danish flag. The white cross in the flag and logo was made out of a parachute from „Stormy Weather‟ This flag was on display at the Reunion day.

B17 bombs gone

Baptism dress made from Stormy Weather parachute.

Wedding dress made from Stormy Weather parachute. A quarter of a parachute was needed to male one dress.